Hi, I'm Sebastián, originally from Chile but now living in Madrid, Spain. I write about growth, product, startups, business and technology. If these topics are your thing, then my newsletter is definitely worth a read.

Each week, I cover the latest trends and insights that are shaping the tech world. From new startups to innovative business models, I bring you the key takeaways and break them down into simple, engaging stories.

Why subscribe? Because I make tech and business both interesting and accessible. I share personal experiences, case studies, and insights that help you understand not just what’s happening, but why it’s important.

If you have any questions, need advice, or are interested in my consulting services, feel free to reach out. You can contact me directly through Substack or at hola@sebastianaraos.com

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Subscribe to Sebastian’s Newsletter

I write about growth, product, startups, and technology, focusing on the latest trends, insights, and stories that are shaping the tech world. In my newsletter, I break down complex topics into simple, engaging pieces.


Interested in Startups, Building Products, Crypto & Web3, Fintech, AI & Growth.